Arab Labs Expo

The show that provides a forum for all MEDICAL LABS INDUSTRY PERSONNEL to demonstrate the latest EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY to a Global Audience. Welcome to Arab Labs 2020

2020-09-05 to 2020-09-12


The world most successful lab Expo and conference hosted in DUBAI is now virtually live, Get in Touch with us to participate or attend the conference. Very few stalls are left now. Registration open now. Leading buying and global information source for the Analytical Industry...The most powerful annual trade show held in Dubai, UAE. Whilst the international SCIENCE & CHEMICAL sector like all industry has considerably suffered due to temporary closures of global business facilities. we do want to make sure that re-scheduled dates for ARABLAB+ provide a highly successful event once again for the regular “ Quality Visitors and Exhibitors” who normally attend this event from over 100+ country.


An initiative of Jay Domony